playground design company

What to Expect From a Natural Playground Design Company

When it’s time to go outside with your children, something that you may not take into consideration is the importance of a playground design company. They’re the reason that your child has a place to play that is safe without removing a child’s ability to use their imagination.

According to the CDC, children should have at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily. How can they do that without some sort of way to play that keeps them engaged? One of the best ways to keep a child engaged is with outdoor play that involves natural design and a connection with nature to keep them grounded and balanced.

Natural Playground Design

One of the best ways to keep your child engaged with nature and out of contact with harsh metals and paints is to go to playgrounds that have a natural design. These types of playgrounds often have rocks, trees, and loose-parts play elements available for children to play with. This type of play encourages creativity and engagement with natural items which helps build the immune system of your child and also creates moments for you and your child to play together building wonderful tree branch forts or anything else they can imagine!

Loose-Parts Playground Design

A newer concept to look at from a playground design company, as mentioned above, is loose-parts play. Instead of having zero items to be creative with, it’s time to think about redesigning a playground with loose parts like bowls, buckets, rocks, sticks, and more available for the imagination of young children. Natural playground designers take this into consideration and really dig deep into the needs of the children and their growing minds.

Accessible Natural Playground Design

One of the biggest benefits of natural playscapes is their accessibility for all children. From bridges that are wide enough for parents and children to be together on, to safety considerations, universal accessibility has become a big part of playground design. Natural playgrounds take this into consideration!

Nature playscapes are some of the most important additions to society. From remodeling to adding and designing new spaces, Learning Landscapes Design does it all. We take into consideration the health of the child, how to help them grow, and how to keep the imagination constantly going. Look into our services today to see how we’re changing the outdoor play game!