Nature Sculpture with Kids

Art with Nature

I can attribute one of my life’s many twists and turns to Andy Goldsworthy. An environmental artist, sculptor and photographer that builds temporal sculptures that make me look at nature in a new light. If you don’t know his work do a quick Google search, it is spectacular.




Kids and Hands on Nature Art

As I look forward to 2014, I am planning some wonderful hands on nature art work with students and other young people. It is a bit of Andy’s work still inspiring me. I think this hands-on link to art, place, and nature is so important, especially for young people. It grounds students in the changes that are happening in their world and makes them stronger stewards of their environment. More on that to come!

My favorite hands-on kids event in 2013 was a nature play design workshop for Westmoreland Park that I organized. While it was all temporary and meant to get kids excited about playing in nature it did get at the desired result of free play, creativity, and nature connection.

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Zach Pine’s work

In a recent Linked In discussion I ran across Zach Pine’s work. His artist statement reads, ” My endeavors are in the tradition of social sculpture, in service to nature and to society…. I strive to create models and methods for collective creativity; to connect people of all ages with each other and with the natural world; and to inspire joy, spontaneity, and environmental action.” The work he does is fascinating, making Andy Goldsworthy style art available to everyone, connecting them to place while working their artistic muscles.









Nature art is not hard to do. It can be as simple as organizing some small rocks or pine cones. If it interests you give it a shot! Here is a great Pinterest board with some ideas. I will keep you updated on how my nature art experiments go.