Loose Parts in Nature Play
I met with a client that recently completed their playscape construction. (More photos on that soon.) We were out watching the kids enjoy the area and everything looks beautiful. Maybe even too beautiful! We both knew that the project needed a layer of loose parts. Let the kids be creative. Let them build and mix and imagine. Often this looks like …
let them make a CREATIVE, NOISY, TALL,
I put together the following list for them. It is specific to their playscape. But, you might find some of it helpful and interesting. If you have any loose parts you like please send a link or comment below.
Ball Ramps
For using in a building area
Slate Drawing Table
In the quite area or art area
Sort and Sift Trays
in the workshop
Put this drum anywhere
For building
Buy this beautiful set or make your own. I like cherry sticks, the bark stays on well.

A roof, a cape, anything!
These playground silks are great and multifunctional.
for building everywhere
For the fairy house building area in your playscape
For the fairy house building area in your playscape
Buy or build some fairy furniture
A playground scale
I just love theses, wonderful for any workshop or loose parts play space. Check out our pinterest link above for a pin on how to make your own with a wood hanger!
Letter rocks
This is an easy and fun way to bring literacy outside. I have also seen amazing story rocks. Buy these or make your own!
More loose parts

I am still on the search for the perfect playground pulley. This is awesome! But they said it does not work well 🙁
Upgrade your sand put past a bucket and shovel
We were talking about something that would last outside, kids could carry, would drain water and not gather lots of icky things in the bottom. We wanted kids to be able to grab them as they went for a hike to collect things.
Interesting mesh buckets

stackable, but no handle
Cool loose parts shopping basket
I am not sure how this would do outside long term, maybe in galvanized or stainless steel?

Woooo I kind of went off! Have fun.