How Do Playground Designers Make Playgrounds Inclusive?
Inclusivity in the playground design space has come a long way…

The Many Benefits of Natural Playgrounds
Natural playgrounds provide many benefits besides physical activity.…

School District Standards for Universally Accessible Playgrounds
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We have long understood the value of play in child development.…

Community Engagement in Inclusive Playground Design at Schools
Communities are often the driver behind the playground improvements…

Top 10 Covid Outdoor Classrooms
Some schools and districts are turning to outdoor learning…

Elementary School Green Schoolyard Tour
Check out our elementary school green schoolyard tour. These…

Parkour in the Playscape
Parkour, ParWHAT?
Have you ever been downtown and…

Boat Playground : Play Design With a Theme
We have been doing a little research as we are working on a boat…

Why loose parts make me want to tear my hair out! – How to Manage Loose Parts in Play
I have a fierce commitment to getting more loose parts into kid’s…

Loose Parts and Adventure Play Infographic
Check out this new related loose parts post and cool info graphic.

Natural Loose Parts
Natural loose parts are by far the easiest to come by and most…

Loose Part Forts : Here There and Everywhere
One of the most amazing aspects of loose parts in play is that…

Why Loose Parts Rule the World of Play
We all like to be in charge of our environment. Play is about…

Sabin School Natural Playground Opens!
We were blessed with a little sun last week for the Sabin School…

Sabin School’s playscape is just about complete!
The Sabin School community has been working hard to develop and…

Where the City, Play, and Computers Overlap
I hear a lot of people talk about bringing games to playgrounds.…

Urban Play
Kids need a place to play, to connect with their neighbors and…

Go Wild Oregon Child: Oregon’s Nature Playscapes get National Attention
"Kids in Oregon, it may surprise you to know, can be as indoorsy…

Student Playscape Design Workshop
Last week Learning Landscapes Design completed two design workshops…

Bay Area Discovery Museum – Outdoor Playscapes
At the base of the Golden Gate Bridge, the Bay Area Discovery…

Have we reached the tipping point for urban play?
I am not sure if I have just delved too deep into the world on…

Big Scale Obstacle Course: Can We All Play Together?
On a recent trip to Ohio we did not let the icy ground and frozen…

Managing Risk in Play Provision: New Risk Benefit Analysis Tool
Nature Play is making its way into our mainstream society. We…

Westmoreland Nature Play Area Opens
There is something very satisfying about seeing a play area you…

Nature Play and Learning Places – A New National Guidelines Document Released Today!
Nature Play & Learning Places, a guide for bringing nature…