Playground Embankment Slides and Hills

Playground embankment slides and hills are some of the top requested…

The Brain NEEDS Play! Login To These February Webinars

If you are interested in hearing more about natural playgrounds…

Three New Playgrounds in Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District

THE PROJECTS Kids in the Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation…

Combating Nature Deficit Disorder in Alabama

Auburn University Nature Play Area Shortly after my last post…

Is There Growing Interest in Nature Play?

I think we all know where we have come from; the streams, forests,…

How stinky is a skunk lodge? How high is a heron nest?

You may have always wondered what animal houses may be like from…

Part Amusement Park – Part Science Center – Completely Fun

DanFoss Universe in Denmark is amazing. It was a day excursion…

Silver Falls Natural Play Area Breaks Ground

Silver Falls State Park has been taking advantage of the nice…

Interpretation at George Rogers Park

I always enjoy interpretation that is not just a sign; something…

Safety, Historic Playgrounds, and Moving Forward

I recently took the Playground Safety Inspectors Course from…

M. Paul Friedberg on Playgrounds

Well, I am officially a landscape architect. After 8 years of…


Michelle Mathis of GreenWorks will be presenting at the…


GreenWorks organized and led a Nature Based Play Tour early…