Longevity of wood in Natural Playscapes
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WOOD AS A PLAY MEDIUMWood is such an important material…

Risk and Safety a Nice Collection of Writings
I think it is the ever increasing concern for risk and liability…

Girl Scouts Bring the Nature to ‘Nature Play’
Silver Falls State Park is home to hundreds of acres of native…

“This whole entire thing is real!”
Blue Lake Park a Metro Park located in Fairview Oregon just opened…

Play Across the World
I have been looking into the quality of play world wide. It is…

Finding the Perfect Playground Hand Pump for Sand and Water Play
I have been on a global (web) search for the perfect hand pump…

Oregon Natural Play Initiative
After feeling pretty isolated in struggles to implement natural…

Natural Play for Teen Parents
This is a fast moving and exciting natural play project in North…

10 feet off the ground, hammer in hand, and an amazing sense of achievement
I could have an entire blog about the schools and parks I saw…

Playground Embankment Slides and Hills
Playground embankment slides and hills are some of the top requested…

The Brain NEEDS Play! Login To These February Webinars
If you are interested in hearing more about natural playgrounds…

Combating Nature Deficit Disorder in Alabama
Auburn University Nature Play Area Shortly after my last post…

"Urban Jungle" in a UK School
I have seen a lot of school greening, learning garden, and playground…

Is There Growing Interest in Nature Play?
I think we all know where we have come from; the streams, forests,…

How stinky is a skunk lodge? How high is a heron nest?
You may have always wondered what animal houses may be like from…

Kids Can’t Wait to Go Down the Slide Into the Pond!
The children at the Clackamas Community College Early Head Start…

In Search of Log Climbers
I use the following picture a lot when I talk with clients. I…

Kindergarden Kids Outside All Day, Everyday???
At the Cedar Song Nature School on Vashon Island what might sound…

Part Amusement Park – Part Science Center – Completely Fun
DanFoss Universe in Denmark is amazing. It was a day excursion…

New Book: Asphalt to Ecosystems
Sometimes you have to travel half way around the world to meet…

Boxerwood Play Trail
The Boxerwood Nature Center in Lexington VA has an impressive…

Early Head Start Playground Breaks Ground at Clackamas Community College
After a few months of intensive design, the children at the Clackamas…

Sustainable Schools in Berlin
Berlin is an amazing city in many ways; architecture, transportation…

Silver Falls Natural Play Area Breaks Ground
Silver Falls State Park has been taking advantage of the nice…

Marylhurst Early Childhood Center Upgrades Playground
The Marylhurst Early Childhood Center in Oregon City has been…

Safety, Historic Playgrounds, and Moving Forward
I recently took the Playground Safety Inspectors Course from…

M. Paul Friedberg on Playgrounds
Well, I am officially a landscape architect. After 8 years of…