Amazing Swings

 Check out these creations from Myburgh Designs. I also found this inspiring quote on their website.

” The slower you move the slower life passes and the more you see. The quicker you move, the quicker life passes and the less you see.”

Most of my projects are public and quasi-public design (childcare centers and schools). But, if I ever get the chance to do some residential design this is my first choice accent piece! I can just imagine curling up in one of these pods and taking a nap or reading a book. Ahhhhhhh

2 replies
  1. Steve Myburgh
    Steve Myburgh says:

    Thank you for your kind words about my work Michelle. It is always nice to hear nice people saying nice things about what we do. We have done some work for schools around the country. The most memorable being a Pumpkin swing for the Manderville special needs school in London. As with all pumpkin swings we do a lot of bespoke design work with in the swing. The Funny thing is that I found that having the kids as my clients really challenged my creativity to a higher levels
    Nothing like kids to be honest and out spoken about what they see and touch.

    Steve Myburgh

  2. landartista
    landartista says:

    Steve, I would love to see a photo of the pumpkin swing at the Manderville special needs school if you have one. I think the safety standards here in the US are a bit different then Europe. But, it would be fun to show people anyway.

    I agree! Working with kids can be amazing if you let their creativity run wild they can push your work to new heights.

    Thanks for the comment.

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