Sabin School Natural Playground Opens!

We were blessed with a little sun last week for the Sabin School Natural Playground opening. You could tell by all the people in attendance that the space is already well loved by the community.

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The playground sits on the north side of the school surrounded by the learning garden, three large existing Oak trees and nestled into the hillside. The site features include a climbing and sliding slope, a log and boulder climbing feature, an outdoor classroom structure and amphitheater, three living willow domes, a peace garden, and rain gardens that treat stormwater runoff.



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The students were definitely enjoying the climbing and sliding area. The logs are set on metal brackets for ease of future replacement and adding a little more challenge. The surrounding surface is a soft imitation playground grass that blends well into the play lawn while adding a layer of safety and accessibility.


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The three large oaks serve as the anchor and umbrella over the space adding shade, scale, and instant nature connection.


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Students and community members gathered to build three living willow play structures. I will post a separate blog on this process with more photos. The kids loved the scale of the structures. The fuzzy buds instantly became a popular ‘loose part’ to collect and share.

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Right out of the gate the play space in amazingly popular. As it grows in and final touches are installed it will only get better. That is one things I like about natural play areas. Structures only get older after installation. Nature play grows and changes with the students and the community.

Sabin School_Learning Landscapes Design_loose parts

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